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health facilities中文是什么意思

用"health facilities"造句"health facilities"怎么读"health facilities" in a sentence


  • 保健设施
  • 卫生设施


  • Official consignment , as to a prison or mental health facility
  • She escaped today from the mental health facility where she was reminded by the court
  • In 2006 , there were 2 , 519 health facilities with 138 , 000 medical professionals working in the city
  • The aid group says local health facilities are treating about one - thousand patients and a ma vaccination campaign is under way
  • The aid group says local health facilities are treating about one - thousand patients and a mass vaccination campaign is under way
  • Once a respected mental health facility . cunningham hall , is run by the stern dr . franks lance henriksen
    Cunning hall是一所阴深恐怖的神经病院,由严苛的法兰博士兰斯轩列克辛饰苦心经营,无数精神病患者入住这里。
  • The state sets up and operates social insurance , social relief and medical and health facilities so that its citizens can enjoy such rights
  • Three different types of health facilities , including medical centers , district hospitals , and clinics were chosen for the evaluation of this test
    (三)测试者简单明确判定"通过"或"不通过" ,通过一分项得10分,每一追踪阶段内十个分项,故满分100分。
  • All botswana will have access to good quality health facilities , including both preventive and curative services within reasonable travelling distance and affordable cost
  • People who are suffering from aids - related illness will have access to good quality treatment in health facilities , community , or the work - place so that they can continue to live full and productive lives
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"health facilities"造句  
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